
ou can now collaborate with projects of the Can Cet Foundation that aim to promote the development of people, whether they have functional diversity or not, in personal and growth areas, as well as support new socioeconomic models that are more sustainable and respect the value of human beings and the environment.

Join the movement for change and donate to make individual and collective transformations possible. Many people will benefit thanks to the support we receive from individuals, associations and companies.

Donations made to the Foundation by individuals accrue tax benefits on your personal income tax. With a donation of up to €150 you can deduct 80%. As a general rule, from 150 euros you can deduct 35%. Therefore, by way of example, if 200 euros are donated, the deduction generated is 137.50 euros (150*80% = 120 + 50*35%=17.50).

Donations made to the Foundation by legal persons accrue tax benefits in Corporation Tax. In this case, the deduction is 35% of the amount donated.