Mission, vision, values

Mission, vision and values of the Can Cet Foundation

The mission of the Can Cet Foundation is to promote, foster and innovate in projects for professional development and personal growth in all areas of life, offering special attention to vulnerable groups and people with functional diversity, following the same path as Can Cet, but extending its mission to the general public, including children.

Our vision

To be an organisation

committed to society in general and especially to people at risk of social exclusion and those with functional diversity.

To be a centre of reference

and a leader in generating new opportunities that allow personal and business relationships to be transformed.

To be a foundation

that uses personnel and material resources to support initiatives aimed at improving professional training and personal growth.

To have a team of people

committed to social awareness, personal development, integration into the labour market, and corporate social responsibility.

To be a transparent

and respected institution that can make society aware of its founding aim.

Our values

The values of the Can Cet Foundation and its entire team are based on sustainability, transparency and commitment to people.


for a more sustainable society.


to personal growth.


towards people with functional diversity.


honesty and transparency.


for the environment.


and trust in spiritual development.


justice and defence of human dignity.


in individual change for social transformation.


to people and companies.

The Foundation’s projects are based on the values of the Economy for the Common Good, governed by a series of basic principles that represent human values, including trust, honesty, responsibility, cooperation, solidarity, generosity and compassion.

The Foundation is committed to the values of the New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union (NKT-IKBU).

Economy for the Common Good

The Economy for the Common Good is a proposal for an economic and social model that aims to reorient the current economic model; instead of being based exclusively on maximising individual profit, it focuses on serving cooperation and the common good. It was set up in 2010 and promoted by the Austrian economist Christian Felber.

The ECG’s approach is based on defending a model of cooperative economy that offers an

alternative to capitalism and the planned economy, encompassing values like human dignity, equality, justice, solidarity, transparency and environmental protection. It is committed to the

importance of democratising companies and reducing their ecological footprint. The ECG always prioritises people over capital, ensuring their rights.

The current situation leads us to be critical of some fundamental aspects of capitalist societies, such as individualism, the desire for profit, and competition. These indicators are exclusively based on financial profit, excessive ecological impact, etc. To this end, the ECG movement offers a series of alternative concepts and proposals that focus on the long term to transform the system.

The entire theoretical concept is defined in a practical and dynamic way by different associations and authors who are working to promote its application. At the Can Cet Foundation, we support this transformation and are committed to supporting the ECG’s activities in our society, trusting that change is possible.

New Kadampa Tradition – International Kadampa Buddhist Union (NKT-IKBU)

The NKT is an international non-profit organisation established as an international association of centres for the study and meditation of Mahayana Buddhism. It was founded in 1991 by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, a world-renowned Tibetan monk and teacher who was keen to bring Buddhist wisdom and the meditation method to people in the Western world to improve their lives.

Therefore, the NKT’s aim is to offer the practical wisdom of Kadampa Buddhism to the people of the modern world, with centres, programmes and courses open to everybody, Buddhist or not, and regardless of their nationality, age, gender and abilities.

The NKT’s International Temples Project for World Peace works to develop and build traditional and non-traditional temples, meditation centres and retreats, and promote the activities of Peace Cafés and the charitable Tharpa publishing house which publishes books and eBooks on Modern Buddhism, as well as articles in many language. Venerable Geshe’s books are read by hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

From its own experience, the Board of Trustees of the Can Cet Foundation trusts in the benefits of this method and ancient teachings so that people in our society can develop their spiritual side and enjoy more harmonious and fulfilling lives.

We want to promote, foster and innovate in projects for professional development, personal growth and the spiritual path.