Transparency and good governance
Transparency and good governance portal of the Can Cet Foundation
Transparency and good governance portal of the Can Cet Foundation
The Can Cet Foundation
The Can Cet Foundation, with company ID number G05294111, is a social initiative registered under number 3218 in the Registry of Private Foundations from theGeneralitat de Catalunya’s Department of Justice. It is classified as a welfare and cultural charity.
Use the following addresses to contact the Can Cet Foundation…
- By post:
Can Cet Foundation
Carrer de Manuel Fernández Márquez, 21 08918 Badalona, Barcelona - By email: - Institutional website
Through the web portal disponible en català, castellà i anglès.
The mission of the Can Cet Foundation is to promote, foster and innovate in projects for professional development and personal growth in all areas of life, offering special attention to vulnerable groups and people with functional diversity, following the same path as Can Cet, but extending its mission to the general public, including children.
Members of the Board of Trustees of the Can Cet Foundation:
Jorge León García, founder and president
Carmen Tomás Pellejero, member of the Board of Trustees
Joan Martínez González, member of the Board of Trustees
Olga Riba Tort, secretary