The Can Cet Foundation contributes to the opening of a new Kadampa Meditation Center in Barcelona


La Fundación Can Cet contribuye a la apertura de un nuevo Centro de Meditación Kadampa en Barcelona

Promoting meditation in our society, the Can Cet Foundation has contributed to the opening of a new Kadampa Meditation space in the city of Barcelona. Last April 26, the official opening of the new Kadampa Meditation Center took place, an event where we received the International General Spiritual Director of the New Tradition of Kadampa Buddhism, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong.

In this new center, better comforts and conditions will be offered to develop a true spiritual refuge, an oasis of peace and a path of inner happiness through the study and activities based on the teachings of Buddhism and the practice of Kadampa meditation. The Can Cet Foundation has made a contribution towards the construction costs of the new Buddhist altar and the throne from where the Kadampa teachers guide the meditations and teach.

Since this new center opened its doors, the practice of Kadampa Buddhist meditation has increased by 15% in the city and more than 1,000 people have benefited from this space. On a regular basis, in terms of participation in the classes and courses that the center develops, around 150 people are benefiting weekly. Additionally, people from the other Catalan regions travel to Barcelona to carry out special activities and courses.

We are proud and happy to be able to support the project created by Vble. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rimponche, a project to help people find happiness and stable well-being and create harmony in their environment. All of this contributes to creating a better society, a mission in which our Foundation feels deeply committed.