The Can Cet Foundation supports the promotion of meditation in the city of Zaragoza


La Fundación Can Cet apoya la promoción de la meditación en la ciudad de Zaragoza

The objective we have at the Can Cet Foundation of helping meditation and the teachings of Kadampa Buddhism reach more people in order to improve their well-being and peace of mind, has been extended on this occasion to the city of Zaragoza. As a result of the Can Cet Foundation’s commitment to the New Kadampa Tradition, we have collaborated in the project of providing the city of Zaragoza with a property for the development of the activities of the Kadampa Yhe Tsongkhapa Buddhist Center.

Through a financial contribution for the purchase of the premises that the entity already had in operation, on a rental basis, the Foundation has been part of an important step forward for this Buddhist organization. Thus, a Kadampa Buddhism project is consolidated in the community of Aragón, since the city can have its own premises for the organization of classes, courses and meditation retreats, as well as from this center to coordinate sessions in different locations in the Aragonese region. More than 300 people a year already benefit from this meditation center, which is still growing and will surely grow in practitioners and influence very soon.

By supporting these local initiatives that make the Buddhist philosophy and way of life, as well as the ancient practice of meditation, available to people in different places, we contribute to creating a society with better rates of mental health and personal well-being, as well as individually facilitate the growth and development of those who decide to undertake this path of personal improvement.