Collaborating with the communication project of the Catalan Association for the Economy for the Common Good


Promoting people’s development and growth is one of the main values supported by the Economy for the Common Good, fostering values like solidarity, human dignity, social justice, transparency and democracy. Placing people at the centre to achieve their growth and development both within organisations and in society as a whole, this initiative shares the values and principles of the Can Cet Foundation.

The Foundation’s sponsorship proposal for the communication project of the Catalan Association for the Promotion of the Economy for the Common Good has therefore been very positively valued and a collaboration agreement has been signed.

Through a financial contribution, the Foundation supports the dissemination and communication of the principles and values of the Economy for the Common Good and helps this model spread throughout Catalonia by professionalising strategies and activities designed to achieve these objectives. In turn, this represents genuine benefits for people’s growth and development, as it provides the Catalan Association with a larger numbers of members, increased economic resources and, therefore, a greater capacity to make an impact on society.

One of the aims of the Can Cet Foundation is promoting the values of this more ethical economic model, in which people’s wellbeing and the environment are the true holistic objective. All the associations the Can Cet Foundation works with certify that they comply with a series of legal and fiscal requirements, and the amount of aid granted must be devoted entirely to direct expenses used to run the project presented.

The development of this project is possible thanks to the collaboration agreement between the Can Cet social enterprise and the Can Cet Foundation.
