Completion of the Communication Project of the Catalan Association for the Promotion of the Economy of the Common Good.


Finalització del projecte de comunicació de l'Associació Catalana per al Foment de l'Economia del Bé Comú.

The Can Cet Foundation selected the Catalan Association for the Promotion of the Economy of the Common Good for an economic grant that materialized in July 2022, through a collaboration agreement. The project presented by the Association was aimed at strengthening the Communication area with the professionalization of the strategies and activities programmed to increase the knowledge of the movement of the Economy of the Common Good (ECG) in society, at the same time that increase the base of partners and sympathizers to expand their capacity for action.

The 2022-2023 Communication Project, for which the agreement was signed, has now been finalized and very positively evaluated, having achieved the intended objectives and having carried out activities and launched initiatives to improve communication about the ECG in Catalonia. We highlight the impact of the project:

  • A 350% increase in participation in activities organized by the Association, and a 25% increase in its Assembly.
  • A 12% increase in the number of members.
  • The development of actions to attract new sponsorships, with a positive return.
  • More than a 70% increase in visits to the Association’s website.
  • An increase in the number of publications on social networks, as well as in the number of followers (Linkedin grows by 45%, Instagram by 26% and Twitter by 1%).
  • The improvement of Internal Communication, with the creation of a newsletter.
  • The improvement of external communication with ongoing campaign planning.
  • The Celebration of the 1st of the ECG Conferences 2023: “Innovalors”, for a sustainable Catalan industry.
  • The various actions carried out to improve the internal organization of the Association.

The Economy of the Common Good (ECG) is a new economic approach promoted by the Austrian Christian Felber, which is presented in harmony with a variety of socio-economic and political approaches that aim to frame economic activity within ecological and social limits. It is, therefore, a socio-economic model whose main purpose is to achieve the Common Good, reorienting the current economic model, based on the maximization of individual profit, and focusing it at the service of the common good.

For more information on the Can Cet Foundation’s commitment to transformative economies, go here.