Personal Growth

We want your inner light to shine and inspire others

The Can Cet Foundation was founded to promote personal development and personal growth in all areas of life, offering special attention to vulnerable groups and people with functional diversity, following the same path as Can Cet, but extending its mission to the general public, including children.

Therefore, the purpose of the Can Cet Foundation extends to everyone, regardless of their abilities, with the purpose of helping people to make their inner light shine, advancing in the development of their spiritual, personal and professional dimensions in order to enjoy a life with purpose and experience fulfilment and wellbeing.

Professional and material development, only when accompanied by inner personal development and a purposeful life, gives people a feeling of wellbeing and happiness, as well as the fulfilment that arises from understanding the meaning of one’s own life.

Promotion and support for the development of meditation and the values of the New Kadampa Tradition (NKT-IKBU)

By contributing personnel and material resources, we are committed to the worldwide growth of the practice of meditation as a method for self-knowledge, personal growth and spiritual development, and we support the values of Kadampa Buddhism to benefit people in Western society. The New Kadampa Tradition works to help each individual awaken their inner light, and this is what the Can Cet Foundation believes to be essential for their happiness and fulfilment, as well as creating a better society.

Promotion of new projects related to the foundational principles

At Can Cet Foundation we provide support and encourage the emergence of innovative and entrepreneurial projects, as well as start-ups or newly created companies that work to promote ideas and principles of social inclusion, diversity, solidarity and equality, as well as other foundational values.

Commitment to education in childhood

We carry out and promote projects that foster the respectful accompaniment of children and a new way of educating, based on respect and support so that they develop all their human dimensions in a comprehensive and balanced way, making a more inclusive ecological, responsible and committed future society a reality.

We want to promote, foster and innovate in projects for professional development, personal growth and the spiritual path

Current Projects

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We collaborated in the fitting out of the new premises for Kadampa Meditation in the city of Girona.

In 2022, the New Kadampa Tradition acquired new commercial premises so that the Kadampa Meditation Centre of Girona could develop its activity in a larger centre, with better facilities and more centrally located so that the people of the city and the whole province of Girona could have better access to the activities of teaching, study and practice of Kadampa Buddhist meditation, cultivating peace of mind and improving their personal wellbeing. The refurbishment of the new premises required professional renovation work, such as electrical installation, wall and ceiling coverings, plumbing, air conditioning/heating installation and installation of sound equipment. It has

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La Fundación Can Cet apoya la viabilidad del proyecto para la Meditación Kadampa en el País Vasco

The Can Cet Foundation supports the viability of the project for Kadampa Meditation in the Basque Country

On this occasion, the Can Cet Foundation has allocated its resources to the Basque Country with the aim that Kadampa meditation and the teachings of Kadampa Buddhism remain available to the people of this autonomous community as well as other regions from the north of Spain. A great social benefit that develops from the Kadampa Meditation Center in Bilbao, to which a significant financial donation has been provided. In this way, it will be possible to continue the offer of meditation classes and courses, as well as the coordination of sessions in different locations. Guaranteeing the viability of the development

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La Fundación Can Cet contribuye a la apertura de un nuevo Centro de Meditación Kadampa en Barcelona

The Can Cet Foundation contributes to the opening of a new Kadampa Meditation Center in Barcelona

Promoting meditation in our society, the Can Cet Foundation has contributed to the opening of a new Kadampa Meditation space in the city of Barcelona. Last April 26, the official opening of the new Kadampa Meditation Center took place, an event where we received the International General Spiritual Director of the New Tradition of Kadampa Buddhism, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong. In this new center, better comforts and conditions will be offered to develop a true spiritual refuge, an oasis of peace and a path of inner happiness through the study and activities based on the teachings of Buddhism and the practice

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kmc girona 2

We collaborated in the fitting out of the new premises for Kadampa Meditation in the city of Girona.

In 2022, the New Kadampa Tradition acquired new commercial premises so that the Kadampa Meditation Centre of Girona could develop its activity in a larger centre, with better facilities and more centrally located so that the people of the city and the whole province of Girona could have better access to the activities of teaching, study and practice of Kadampa Buddhist meditation, cultivating peace of mind and improving their personal wellbeing. The refurbishment of the new premises required professional renovation work, such as electrical installation, wall and ceiling coverings, plumbing, air conditioning/heating installation and installation of sound equipment. It has

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La Fundación Can Cet apoya la viabilidad del proyecto para la Meditación Kadampa en el País Vasco

The Can Cet Foundation supports the viability of the project for Kadampa Meditation in the Basque Country

On this occasion, the Can Cet Foundation has allocated its resources to the Basque Country with the aim that Kadampa meditation and the teachings of Kadampa Buddhism remain available to the people of this autonomous community as well as other regions from the north of Spain. A great social benefit that develops from the Kadampa Meditation Center in Bilbao, to which a significant financial donation has been provided. In this way, it will be possible to continue the offer of meditation classes and courses, as well as the coordination of sessions in different locations. Guaranteeing the viability of the development

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La Fundación Can Cet contribuye a la apertura de un nuevo Centro de Meditación Kadampa en Barcelona

The Can Cet Foundation contributes to the opening of a new Kadampa Meditation Center in Barcelona

Promoting meditation in our society, the Can Cet Foundation has contributed to the opening of a new Kadampa Meditation space in the city of Barcelona. Last April 26, the official opening of the new Kadampa Meditation Center took place, an event where we received the International General Spiritual Director of the New Tradition of Kadampa Buddhism, Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong. In this new center, better comforts and conditions will be offered to develop a true spiritual refuge, an oasis of peace and a path of inner happiness through the study and activities based on the teachings of Buddhism and the practice

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